Have you ever thought about cleaning your hearing aids? Considering the conditions their delicate electronic components are exposed to regularly—moisture, heat, earwax, dirt—routine clean-and-checks by your provider are the best way to preserve your important investment.
In the meantime, there are steps you can take at home to care for your hearing devices and optimize their effectiveness. Try the following cleaning tips to prepare your hearing aids for this summer!
- Be sure to apply hairspray and facial lotions before inserting your hearing aids. Harsh products create a sticky residue that is a magnet for dust and dirt.
- Wash and dry your hands before you handle your hearing devices.
- Clean your hearing devices each day with a dry, soft cloth.
- Do not use water, cleaning fluids, solvents or alcohol, as they can damage your hearing devices.
- Don’t overlook the microphone inlet, which can become clogged with debris, and the battery contacts, which attract dust and dirt.
- Use storage containers—ensuring to remove device batteries—to minimize moisture and lengthen life.
- Perform listening checks with a listening tube to ensure your hearing devices sound clear, not weak or scratchy.
- Do not attempt to make any adjustments or repairs to your hearing device by yourself.
While these home steps can help, again, the best way to ensure your devices are working properly is to take them in for a clean-and-check at Hearing Focused. We would love to see you this summer! Call us today at (262) 679-8888.